
Become a member to help our community


Membership at the Norwich Synagogue

There are three levels of membership available at Norwich Synagogue:

– Family
– Single
– Friends

Family & Single Membership

Family and single membership is open to all men and women of the Jewish Religion who are over 16 years of age. All subscribing members are entitled to vote at General Meetings and may also have the benefit of a named seat within the Synagogue.

Friends of the Community

A Friends membership has been introduced open to all non-Jewish friends who have supported the Synagogue by attending services or social functions or by just wishing to be kept informed of events. As a friend you will receive the newsletter, be welcomed at all services, social events and lectures. This will not, however, entitle you to a vote on Synagogue affairs or to a named seat in the Synagogue. Non-Jewish spouses or partners of a full member are encouraged to join the congregation as a friend.


An annual subscription is levied on all members to enable the congregation to cover the maintenance and running costs of the Synagogue and also provision of regular services. The honorary treasurer and management committee review subscription rates annually which fall due on 1st November.

Subscriptions can be paid by cheque or monthly by a bankers standing order.
For further information on joining Norwich Synagogue please contact [email protected].

Applications for Membership.

To apply for membership download an Application Form

NHC Constitution

To download a copy of the Synagogue Constitution please click here.

NHC Rules

To download a copy of the Synagogue Management Committee Rules please click here.


Norwich Synagogue is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation with the registered name Norwich Hebrew Congregation and registered Charity Number 1187450.

History of the synagogue

Discover the fascinating past of the Norwich Synagogue over the years

Education at the Synagogue

Learn more about our education programs for schools and young children

Norwich Synagogue

Norwich Synagogue is a place of worship, community and friendship. We strive to make our synagogue a welcoming place and open our arms to anyone who wishes to join us. We are proud of our history and look forward to making new memories in the future. If you have any questions or would like more information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you soon!