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Month: March 2016

Roof Repairs Completed

Some of you may of recently noticed scaffolding around the back and top of the Communal Hall.  This was necessary to allow the roof over

Funding Update – 8th March

We are very pleased to tell you that we have received two grants from Jewish Charities for which we are extremely grateful.  Our sincere thanks

Impromptu Adult Education Class

After the Joan Goodman lectures in February a member of the audience asked if she could see a Torah Scroll.  Rabbi Roderick Young duly obliged

Holocaust Memorial Day

Many thanks to Alex for leading the Holocaust Memorial Service at St Peter Mancroft, and to those of our Jewish friends who also took part.

Tu Bishvat

Tu Bishvat was celebrated by the children of the community, as it usually is. However, following Rabbi Roderick Young’s ‘From the Bimah’ last time and

From the Bimah: March – April 2016

We recently commemorated Holocaust Memorial Day, a time during which we recall the devastation that hate left unchecked can bring. The best way we can